Mesothelioma Surgery | Mesothelioma Surgery Options | Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Mesothelioma Surgery
When a recently-diagnosed mesothelioma patient is presented with options for treatment, surgery may be recommended. There are different forms of mesothelioma surgery and some are proposed as a curative measure, while others are designed to relieve symptoms of the disease that can be quite debilitating and interfere with the patient's quality of life.
Surgery can take place at different points throughout a patient’s experience with mesothelioma. Surgery can be used early on to help make a diagnosis, and it can be used after a diagnosis is made either to eradicate the disease or to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer growth.
Diagnostic or exploratory surgery is used to help doctors determine if mesothelioma exists, usually by taking a biopsy. It can be as simple as using a needle or it could require full open surgery, depending on the location of the tumor.
Curative Surgeries
Due to the nature of mesothelioma and the fact that by the time a diagnosis is made the disease has usually reached an advanced stage, a surgical cure is not a likely option. However, in some cases, surgery is suggested in order to remove as much of the cancer as possible and is often followed by other mesothelioma treatments such as chemotherapy and/or radiation.Ideally, candidates for these surgeries will be in the early stages of the disease where the tumor is still fairly localized and metastasis has not occurred. In addition, the patient will need to be in overall good health and free of other medical issues that can complicate these procedures and lengthen the recovery period. Extant medical issues—heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes—are often an issue with older mesothelioma patients. These issues can further limit treatment options and make aggressive surgical procedures a less favorable choice.
However, if the doctor determines that the patient is strong enough, the following surgeries may be recommended:
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