Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Gmail Registration | Gmail Sign up| Create Gmail Account| Gmail Login

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Gmail Registration | Gmail Sign up| Create Gmail Account| Gmail Login

Gmail Like we all know simply means Google mail. It is not a difficult task to create a new gmail account. All you just need is a device either mobile or PC and a good internet connection.

Google is one of the big email providing company we have in the world. Not only that, with your gmail account you can access everything google. No wonder the popular saying Gmail "Everything in One."

What does that statement mean?
It simply mean with your gmail account, you have the access to all google products across all platforms which include; Mail, Blogger, Adsense, Admob, Google+, Google play, Google search, Google calendar and lots more.

What are you waiting for? Rush now and create a new Google account for yourself so you can explore all the features of Google and the benefits that come along.

Today we will be discussing Gmail Registration. What does it really to to create a Gmail account? it is very simple like what the primary school pupil will call ABC. But before we continue with this topic, we need to look at what Gmail account can do for us.

Benefits of Gmail Registration

Yes I call it benefits of Gmail registration but you can also call it what Gmail mail can do for you. Now let us look at some of the benefits of owning a Gmail account.
  1. You will have access to other mailing company providers
  2. You can receive mails from people, and also send mails to people.
  3. With Gmail storage, you can actually save bulk of work which are meant for reference purposes.
  4. You can register for other social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and lots more with your gmail account.
  5. You can send and receive files with your Gmail account.
  6. You can also access everything google with your Gmail account.
  7. This is also an easy ways for project students to communicate with their project supervisors as regards their project work.
These are lots more you can benefit with your gmail account, to mention but a few.

A Little About Gmail

The name gmail was coined from Google mail. It is self explanatory. Gmail is owned by Google, which is the biggest search engine in the world. Google has made almost everything very easy through its search engine, mail and other of its products.

Gmail Registration | Gmail Sing up | Crate Gmail Account

The three words above simply refer to the same thing. They are all talking about the same thing, so you need not to be confused when you hear these words they can be used interchangeably. They all refer to creating a new gmail account.

Now this is the main text of this article. 

How to Create a Gmail Account

Like I said before, gmail registration can be done on mobile device or PC provided you have a good internet connection. the steps and procedures are very simple. 

You want to enjoy and benefit everything that Google has for you? Follow the steps I will be giving below to create your new Gmail account.

Steps to Create a New Gmail Account

  1. Log on to the official Gmail registration website by visiting
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click create new account.
  3. Fill all the required information like; first name,Last name, choose username, create passord, confirm password, birthday, mobile number, your country correctly in the spaces provided.
  4. Click the next button when you are done with that.
  5. another page will load, where you will have to accept google terms and conditions. Scroll to the bottom and accept terms and conditions and click continue.
  6. Verify your phone number with the code sent to your mobile  phone by Google.
  7. Once the number is entered correctly, congratulations you now have a new gmail account.
It is as easy as that. From there, you now have access to everything Google.

The Gmail Required Information

First Name

This is your first name and it it will visible to everyone in all google platform. E.g Livinus. This is what you will be recognized with.

Last Name

This is also another important field that should be taken into consideration. Everyone has a first and and also a last name. The last name is also referred to your surname. E.g Monday. It will also be visible to everyone on google platform.


The username is also your desired or preferred email address. In this field you need to select or choose your desire username leaving the because it is also already a constant there. The username you may decide to register with might have been used by someone else or we just say is unavailable.

What you have to do in this case is to choose another one. The good news here is that the system can generate available username for you based on the first name and last name you provided. But if you know you are not satisfied with it, you can actually provide yours. You are free to add special characters and numerals to your username.


This is another field you need to be careful about. Your password is your security and access to your account. If anyone has your password, it means that person has access to your account. You are to choose your password which must not include either your first name or last name.

Numerals and special characters can also be added to your password to strengthen it. Please make sure you do not disclose your password to anyone, unless you want them to have access to your account and even claim the account for themselves.

Confirm Password

This is important because after choosing your password, you will be required to confirm it by retyping it. I t is a measure to make sure you really know the password you are using. If it was not so, you might forget the password you chose and when it come to signing in, it will become a very big problem. It is also a way to make sure you match your password so that you will be aware and acquainted with it.
Eg. ****************


This means providing the date of your birth which include; date, month and year.

Phone number

This is actually for to reasons; 
1, For security purpose and
2, To determine your country.

With your mobile number, it can be used as a recovery option for you in case you loose your account for any reason.

Recovery Email

This is another recovery option where you have to provide an email address in case you loose your password, you can get access to your account by resetting your password though your recovery email.


Without specifying your country with the code, you can never create a google account.

You see without you providing these information, you cannot create a google account for yourself.

Gmail Login

To login to your gmail account, visit and simply provide your username and password in the spaces provided and click the sign in button.

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